not a huge fan how most SSGs assume *all* you want to do with them is blog
@mavica_again Yeah. Case in point, having to use Sigal alongside Pelican just to have an image gallery or three. Really makes me loathe to put pictures up anymore.
@drwho i swear i'm about to cobble this together myself out of batch scripts for the hell of it just so i don't have to overengineer wrapping a block of text around mostly unchanging HTML
@mavica_again I'm with you. I wanna make some slightly more complicated stuff than a 2009-era link blog, c'mon
@aquinton i'm struggling to get hugo to render ONE page
"here's how to make a simple blog in [generator]!"
"ok and how do i make modular subpages of content generated from different files"
"... here's how you put tags in the blog you just created! and ooh rss feed!"