if i want a gui text editor that doesn't use gtk for the sole reason that gnome has not learned in 20 years how to render fonts in a half competent way and you tell me to use vim or emacs i'll make you use windows 95 for a week to learn to use a mouse

2024 linux still to this day has no equivalent to Windows 3.11 Microsoft paint or Microsoft notepad and honestly that's very sad for an operating system that is still trying to break into the desktop market started by apple in 1983 with the Lisa

@mavica_again as for notepad there are so many alternatives on Linux that it's really hard to say there are no options; notepad++, kate, gedit, vscode.. Virtually any distro comes with a pre-installed text editor!

@mavica_again and if that's not enough there's also a plethora of new editors written in Rust like Helix, Lapce and Zed.
But I'm sure that the notepad in Windows 95 is superior to all those alternatives


@abeltramo wine is the only thing that seems to render fonts without antialiasing in Linux properly after all

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