@mavica_again not sure I trust M$ to provide a nice experience, I remember how bloated they made Skype after they bought it, It's the same thing they keep doing to Windows and Edge.

@quirk all i remember is Skype holding days long calls with my partners and discord still not attaining the same uptime especially on mobile

@mavica_again I can totally understand that, I remember holding Skype in pretty high regard when it came to the technical side, even now as I'm pretty sure that technology from Skype is underpinning the calls/meeting functionality in Teams that I've been using a lot the last few years

I guess I just didn't have many friends on Skype back then and when they added more bloat I didn't see the reason to stay


@quirk at least i get to see way less ads for nitro and reminded that if i don't pay for a substandard service i'm a second class citizen compared to all my peers with colourful animated profiles showing off their money

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