
realizing how i have so much better password management than most of my direct acquaintances who literally work in infosec simply by self-hosting a seafile share that holds a key-locked keepass2 database rather than paying for a service


@mavica_again @FritzAdalis meh… making life harder by having a worse UX does nothing to make the average person safer, it just keeps them doing stupid shit like reusing passwords across accounts, writing them down on sticky notes, and using predictable patterns like SeasonYear! . Lowering the bar to do things securely and raising the bar for being insecure matters more than doing “the securely thing possible”, or else we’d all be using true random One Time Pads for all our encryption.

As a tangent, I wonder if the ancient version of 1Password OP mentioned using with local vaults has any unpatched vulns? Looking at patch history my bet is “yes”, smells like security through obscurity to me.

@mavica_again Just make sure you've upgraded keepass past 2.54 as well as the database!

@mavica_again i should really get off my arse and actually migrate to keepass again...... bitwarden's more convenient, but i don't wanna risk my shit being hacked because of something like that.

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