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my tip for improving your activity/experience on the platform -- follow some blogs! this way you won't have to go to your friends' profiles to see what they've been posting there (otherwise you only see their bulletins by default)

got my stickers in the mail, thanks !


"Autistic people don't have empathy!"
"Do autistic people even have emotions?!'

...Sound familiar? Let's talk about one of the most prevalent and hurtful misconceptions surrounding autism...


i want to shake the hand of the person who realized that "Microsoft" doesn't fit in the space of an icon and therefore obfuscated part of it with a little block


3000 icons - 3447


my wife and her sister started a discord group dm which was "jokingly" titled "lee pace enthusiast club" to which i added his portrait as the dm icon and prompty sabotaged myself into now constantly thinking that lee pace is messaging me

as a trans and a prime janeway fan i wholly endorse this


They're telling me I oughta stop making these trans Janeway memes. That gave me an idea - make more trans Janeway memes! I make the memes here, I can trans the characters all damn day!



They're telling me I oughta stop making these trans Janeway memes. That gave me an idea - make more trans Janeway memes! I make the memes here, I can trans the characters all damn day!


got 2 packages in the mail today, i'm quickly becoming a very certain type of person

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!