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i know i broken in a computer when solitaire appears in the frequently used programs

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In Mexico 🇲🇽 when abortion rights were up for debate they marched to the presidential palace & attempted to burn it down. The Mexican government quickly decriminalized Abortion nationwide soon after that.


"you don't need 7zip-desktop you can just install p7zip-full and caja will open your files!"


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An excellent post by vaspider on tumblr about why respectability politics are bullshit.


and because of how the eyemodule2 stores full-color pictures in a way that you can "downgrade" them to "palm-size" (160x120 grayscale) by simply erasing the full-color ones, the files also already contain these

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Can't stop thingken bout how Ecco the Tides of Time on the Master System is a Brazilian port of a Hungarian game on a Japanese console illustrated by a Peruvian man who lives in America.

Time travelling dolphins fighting aliens have really brought the global community together.



Everyone who’s trotting out the trash that the right-wing papers are spewing forth on the strikes this week should be forced to read this moving account from about why she’s on strike - you might think you know the score, but you really don’t.


"get the 0604" they said "it'll solder easier than the 0402" they said

my ass is gonna short this

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!