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oh hey look it's me

6yrs hrt did jack shit to my chest and now i'm suicidal and can't afford to put implants in there to get the same cleavage almost literally every single other trans woman has

but go off telling me how i'm doing it wrong for not being on 12mg of estradiol yet



my wife and her sister started a discord group dm which was "jokingly" titled "lee pace enthusiast club" to which i added his portrait as the dm icon and prompty sabotaged myself into now constantly thinking that lee pace is messaging me



hire me for web design so i can make sure your website doesn't look like this



Gamers: "Gamedevs are lazy nowadays. Nobody ends up in hospital from overtime"

lol here's me in hospital after collapsing from GameDev burnout before the Dr explained my "blood is flooded with lactate from prolonged stress". She then asked if I'm in the military.
A thread!🧵1/5


i am not from the USA and this is the only thing i know about joe biden

when you go to the karaoke room after your salary job to unwind with death metal

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!