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icymi and because i love to ruin a joke the music in this video is actually my own composition and i linked the full song in the reply


epic pinball had such great music



i kinda miss composing for video games. here's a title screen theme i made for an unreleased game


i got turned into an off-model popsicle and got a new partner so all in all i think today was a good day


"type"???? does that look typed????



Uhhh Bolsonaro's team had the brilliant idea to type out a response to Lula's questions during the break. So now we are watching our president read it all out loud. Amazing.


i try to scroll and i get this and the message box hangs and i can't scroll anymore

it's not actually loading anything, it gave up, because it thinks it loaded enough messages for the size of the window and won't load anymore until i scroll but because they're all compacted...

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are there no retro tech communities safe for trans people anymore

i thought PalmDB was supposed to be one of the good ones

but no keep telling trans people that genocide and fascism are words too strong


Horrifying. HB6454 has been introduced in the state of Michigan.

It defines getting gender affirming care for your trans teen as child abuse in the first degree.

It proposes lifetime imprisonment for parents of trans youth.

It mandates medical detransition for trans teens.



finally starting to make progress on some big projects and i owe it to these post-its, which help me bypass the paralyzing adhd perfectionism that tells me nothing i could ever make or do is valuable unless it is done unassailably to the highest standards of any possible critic


it's good to have something to hyperfocus on every once in a while

618 lines of code, i probably spent less than 12 hours on this from scratch


🚨Attention video game preservation fans with money to spare🚨

There are currently TWO unreleased, one-of-a-kind, never-digitized games for the original NES on eBay right now. This has literally never happened before. Our resources are stretched thin, and we could use help.


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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!