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it has been 0 days since i've ran into a website i never heard of before having wording that means that i, personally, am arbitrarily blocked from viewing it, because i decided to spawn in the wrong part of the world

but when china does it, it's an outrage

the old screen on my pocketchip died, so i got a replacement and upgrade, almost double the resolution!

all it took was uhhhhh don't look in the back

2024 fediverse users: god this place is becoming so cliquey

2017 fediverse users:

M5Sound now can load samples from SD card

here it is playing a 3 MB sample with 1024 bytes for the I2S buffer and 256 bytes for the file buffer

not as impressive as it could be considering this is on top of (at least tested so far) 4-channel software mixing for playback that i'm not demonstrating here

this is a machine with less than 200 KB free for the micropython stack

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few things will make me as emotional as the very closing of the BBC Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series with the Journey of the Sorcerer motif

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!