RT @ithayla@twitter.com
ok time to report @whatiskiss@twitter.com for harassment
RT @maplesbian@twitter.com
it might just be my mood swings but the orchestrated two final bars of "journey of the sorcerer" that close off the post-credits of the last episode of the 1981 tv adaptation of the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy hit me very strongly emotionally
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/maplesbian/status/1383936010262773760
RT @maplesbian@twitter.com
still want to do a complete redesign of my website but until i do that, i just improved the tech page making it into a more eye-catching gallery
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/maplesbian/status/1514712699292291074
RT @madsmiyun@twitter.com
Orion Arm (1/4)
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/madsmiyun/status/1517278511916015619
RT @maplesbian@twitter.com
still want to do a complete redesign of my website but until i do that, i just improved the tech page making it into a more eye-catching gallery
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/maplesbian/status/1514712699292291074
RT @aquinton@twitter.com
This sentence from @stout_scout@twitter.com's excellent piece on being queer in outdoor spaces captures the main quality that I value in any community or place I include in my life. May every queer person experience this, and may we build a world where it's the default and not the exception. https://twitter.com/stout_scout/status/1517186378089611264
Amazon did not cut corners on their multimeter, Amazon never made a multimeter. all their Amazon basics stuff is dropshipped from the lowest bidder manufacturer. you can get higher quality things for cheaper on AliExpress guaranteed. please stop buying from Amazon
RT @Coatduck@twitter.com
I almost died today because amazon cut corners on safety features on their knockoff of a multimeter
RT @alex_navarro@twitter.com
I always admired this kind of marketing. Here are some last names you know. We do not expect you to squint at this poster for the two additional seconds it would require to suss out what we're actually doing here. Enjoy the movie, early '90s dad.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/alex_navarro/status/1516983310639153158
RT @FakeEnormous@twitter.com
So long as you have old video games, you will never run out of dumb names to use for Internet accounts.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/FakeEnormous/status/1410778473338064896
RT @ClassicShowbiz@twitter.com
Buzz TV
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ClassicShowbiz/status/1516844554007158785
queer robot squirrelbunny girl, un-retired computer fairies founder (2017-2021, 2024-), drone #6502, official amiga mascot, making a return to upset those who told us to leave.
https://pronoun.gdn/byte?or=it, robot, check system link above, meat shell is 31yo, i block underage
i like it when people flirt with me
HRT: 15/11/2015
⚠️ do not like or favourite my negative posts: https://computerfairi.es/@mavica_again/110573733959251340 ⚠️