RT @lateasusual_@twitter.com
One of my favourite things about #GodotEngine is how flexible the scene/tree system is. Wanna embed a 3D scene inside a 2D UI floating in a 3D scene? sure!
Making portals that seamlessly transition between entirely separate scenes is pretty straightforward as well.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/lateasusual_/status/1567065228600303619
RT @773tk_@twitter.com
average twitter leftist
RT @LuciaEverblack@twitter.com
Just a heads up for anyone of my friends that make music, you might want to opt out of using Spitfire Audio for anything because one of the cofounders, Christian Henson is a TERF.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/LuciaEverblack/status/1566894011054538758
RT @the_nerd_skull@twitter.com
I've learned that SacredMiranda, a Jai cultist on here, runs one of the biggest trans groups on Facebook, Trans Shitposting.
This group should be considered unsafe; the owner supports a serial harasser and doxer who targets almost exclusively black and trans people
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/the_nerd_skull/status/1566872349173239808
RT @WillardFoxton@twitter.com
I wish I knew if jokes were good or bad
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/WillardFoxton/status/1566683059239505921
RT @ithayla@twitter.com
cars are a gigantic waste of space. they spend 95 percent of their existence parked. for contrast, the last photo is a stadium in a country with public transport
RT @pseudonymjones@twitter.com
universal trans experiences bingo
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/pseudonymjones/status/1450170221378088963
RT @derekmballard@twitter.com
steal every minute you can
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/derekmballard/status/1566589553892376577
from the 1991 Radio Shack Software Buyers Guide https://archive.org/details/radio-shack-software-buyers-guide-1991-1991/page/n65/mode/2up
did i forget to retweet this ?? dang
RT @DeeLiteyears@twitter.com
Sorry it's coming a bit late, but here's a small birthday present for @maplesbian@twitter.com
I hope you like it :3
#MZ700 #SHARPSCII #pixelart #ドット絵
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DeeLiteyears/status/1496473242181193739
RT @maplesbian@twitter.com
hey remember that time when i Had Some Fun
(apologies for the discord noise at the beginning)
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/maplesbian/status/1387539689696018434
RT @granduke_e@twitter.com
I hope this image can be of use to anyone out there
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/granduke_e/status/1565300940034478081
it's me fr
RT @toasty_rolls@twitter.com
girl on a dating app who is going through something
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/toasty_rolls/status/1561225872199360512
queer robot squirrelbunny girl, un-retired computer fairies founder (2017-2021, 2024-), drone #6502, official amiga mascot, making a return to upset those who told us to leave.
https://pronoun.gdn/byte?or=it, robot, check system link above, meat shell is 31yo, i block underage
i like it when people flirt with me
HRT: 15/11/2015
⚠️ do not like or favourite my negative posts: https://computerfairi.es/@mavica_again/110573733959251340 ⚠️