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ended up just finishing putting both iBooks back together so i can call it a night. older one has no drives now but since i know the hardware all works in the newer one all that's left is to install the system

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drives in, happy-ish mac. OS9 UT99 still locks up same as in the other ibook which tells me this msata drive is what doesn't like whatever IDE access mode the ibook uses. gonna consider reinstalling in the old HDD

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no matter how many times i do it.. the g4 ibook is still the WORST computer to take apart, bar none

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XKCD #647 "Scary" was released 12 years ago.

someone born after this strip could have a conversation about it today


in what WORLD is that third pitch a strike?! it damn nearly hit merrifield

this is what i mean. it has no inbox, nothing under it. trying to fetch messages does nothing. it's gone. there's just the address there and no folders

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!