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are there no retro tech communities safe for trans people anymore

i thought PalmDB was supposed to be one of the good ones


what causes a USB device not have "Product" and "Manufacturer" fields in DMESG? because i'm wondering if that's why pilot-link in libusb mode recognizes my visor but doesn't recognize my treo

i also made the rss button from by hand in aseprite (yes, even the text!) because i got tired looking for a good one (it used to be so much easier to find tiny web images like that) and i didn't have any other editing software on hand at the moment

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Sony Digital Mavica magazine ads - Macworld November 1997, Macworld February 1998, Wired September 1998



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It's ! This is one of the new features we working on at the moment: Flash memories! Once released, you will be able to use them to store persistent data or to pass variables to other CPUs



Alright kids, you know what to do.

Let's treat Twitter like we did Tumblr and make his investment fall flat on its ass by posting this


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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!