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found an ebay seller with these ones which have TTL, RS485 and RS232 which is wonderful, but it's a whole 10 pounds 😬

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is there a single small board like these that has both an FT232 and a MAX232 together to convert USB to true RS232 serial, not TTL?

does anyone have any remaining software/peripherals for the original Valiant Roamer LOGO turtles? Valiant themselves, being mostly direct suppliers to schools and not individuals, haven't been too helpful. we have one, but not the pen attachment, or the serial cable, and i'd like to put it to better use :boost_ok:

Brazil abolished daylight savings time in 2019 and the mandatory system clock app from Google still disagrees with its own parent company to this day.

today i released version 3.5 of webgbcam, my web app that simulates a game boy camera!

current features:
- settable gamma/contrast
- settable palette from curated selection
- settings are kept for the next session (new!)
- record 5-second gif
- 3-second timer to frame your shot
- swap between front and back cameras on mobile
- tweak camera settings after taking a shot
- hide the UI & use it as a window capture for streams!

picture courtesy of me bothering @Atatra 💜

and if you've ever wished for a return to forums, i've hosted lesbiaboard since 2018

it is first and foremost a queer safe space, but anyone who's ok with that is free to join and come talk to us about video games, tech or just cute things and food

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i make music:

i make open source tech tools and toys:

i started the netizen club and the link cache, to help my yearning for a simpler internet:

i'm looking for work. if you know anyone who needs someone with 8+ years professional experience plumbing nearly any sort of bespoke tech, talk to me.

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well, that's my second social death this year

please share my stuff, everything i posted on twitter is gone now

unemployed since april so i have to grind on shitty headhunter fuckers sending me to applicant forms that require you to record yourself answering their nonsense

so i loaded up OBS and set my virtual camera to a full minute of this

by the way hire me

and this is why i don't think social media as an inherent concept is good, at all at all at all

mastodon is the nicotine patch for twitter for many people and all twitter was was the pooling of several different types of people together

the internet needs to be segmented again imo, and we need not all try to please every single person together all at once

join a forum for your interests. or a subreddit, or something. your life doesn't need to fit all in a single basket

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!