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ok nerds convince me i can give up windows fixing this one 100% dealbreaker for me. why is ms sans serif rendering like shit in scite and not in windowmaker. don't monkey paw me and make it render like shit in both

it's loading the right font, but the hinting is totally fucked up. i have no idea why

year of the linux desktop everybody

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well that was a short search once i had a better picture!!!

IPC TLA UQMY Control Module 21613115

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oh here's a much better look at it from S6 E2, those are not tape decks at all

what the hell is this??

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seen in the background of The Expanse S6 E1. i don't think it's a made up prop, i think it's a piece of hifi/video equipment turned prop. makes me think of technics vhs pcm audio recorder, but might be regular cassette instead. bottom bright spots are VU meters maybe?

here are two photoshops i made in september 2022. you can see they both have the same masking around the imac g3 shell. the PSDs for these are in a hard drive in a box that i'll only have access to in the coming weeks.

sept 2022 posts:

and a completely unrelated post i'll just leave here

ah ha ha we did it

chaining and score multipliers, and a score display, now potentially fully implemented

this has finally reached "playable" status, though there's much more to do before it's "releasable"

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i can't tell if i'm doing something wrong or if the phoenix live view guys really thought hosting a single static non interactive landing page that still inexplicably requires postgres was the best demo they could come up with for their highly interactive html-on-the-server framework

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!