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here's a cool little picture in 640x480 with only the 16 EGA colors. you could set this as your windows 95 wallpaper

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ohhh yeahhhh

let's see if i implement the other dithering modes tonight or if i just keep playing with this and doing no work

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YESSS yes yes LUTs to the rescue

i've made sliders automatically update the preview again

this version is now live at the previous link

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fixed some bugs (namely the one where a palette wouldn't load half the time) and detached the control feedback from the image processing to make moving sliders on long operations less painful at the tradeoff of not having immediate output preview

yesterday i don't think this dithering was taking a whole 3 seconds, so now i need to chase down optimizations

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ouuhhh yeahhh UI design is my passion

putting that number input inline with the checkbox that it's tied to felt pretty good

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did you know that you can chat online with the actual real official mascot of the commodore amiga line of personal computers right here? wow!

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!