Inside, the WiLL Vi had a three-tone dashboard inspired by, and I know April Fool’s is mere days before and this is not a joke, a footlong sandwich.

  • WapCar, "The WiLL Vi, a weird Toyota made for Japanese youths that no one bough"

ok not a huge one this time but v0.4 is out now

  • NEW palette mode to sample colors from source image
  • some code reworked to optimize things

i think there's something wrong with my code, conceptually...

notice blue blob in the background and how it gets turned into a red patch

if i increase the error diffusion dithering it only gets worse

ironically this seems to be an issue with the CIELAB distance rather than the error diffusion algorithm itself

much to fix before v0.4

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!