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@triptych thank you!! the lyrics are cheesy but they mean a lot to me 😊

@NanoRaptor thank you, a link to my profile is enough. and for the record you don't have to delete it

@idlestate @NanoRaptor not all fediverse software (my instance included) supports edits, therefore it's very likely a good chunk of the fediverse won't see the updated post

epilogue: nanoraptor has posted this apology:

this is an understandable mistake to have made. and i'm sorry for being quick to assume bad intentions.

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Folks, the Jazz iMac is not mine.

I have not only forgotten the origin of the image (I did my own version of the same kind after @mavica_again ) but went and posted its original version, sans attribution.

Absolute 100% fuckup on my part. I am so sorry.

hot take, meta 

sorry but if you run a multi-user fedi instance and you block instances based on your own personal drama and not for any objective reason youre just a bad admin

general thoughts on fedi 

this place is unstable, because we're basically a bunch of traumatized queers who got hurt so much that we just scratch and bite immediately as a defense mechanism

here are two photoshops i made in september 2022. you can see they both have the same masking around the imac g3 shell. the PSDs for these are in a hard drive in a box that i'll only have access to in the coming weeks.

sept 2022 posts:

and a completely unrelated post i'll just leave here

the package with my hard drives arrived in the uk today. hopefully i'll have them before christmas

i'm pretty sure i still have the psd for the jazz solo cup imac g3 dana sibera just posted to prove i made it lol but it's somewhere over the atlantic on a shipping box

if your web page allows me to type into a text bar and then erases what i'm typing once your java script loads then go fuck yourself

dear when are videlectrix releasing the next weekly waggle

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!