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@spacecadet we don't have 1k active users. the front page metric is largely inflated, i have no idea how mastodon calculates active users. i see about 10 people posting here. i am no longer maintaining this instance.

@spacecadet i created it in 2017 and handed it off to a new owner in 2021 yes

happy 7th anniversary give or take a couple of days to

you can't kill us in a way that matters

@rainwarrior i always thought there must be some trick that's in way over my head but i guess not!

@rainwarrior for that matter how do you efficiently make that snow effect? i imagine it isn't by keeping track of every single particle

@SinclairSpeccy oh it's for a minifloppy drive

really confusing how they show a single disk when it would take 10 to make up the 25mb mark (which they mention themselves in the ad). but i guess that's advertisement

i can't find a single picture of these drives other than this ad so i have no idea if they every actually got sold. huh

@SinclairSpeccy do you know what product this is for? i can't find any rana systems product that offers 25mb, only regular 5.25 drives

hi im not human. nobody seems to mind much im not human. i want you to mind i'm not human, i want you to gush loudly about how cool it is you're interacting with something that isn't human

re: Discovery S5E01 

@ultranurd discovery is so good im a few episodes ahead i hope you enjoy it :allears:

,mmmmmmmmmmm blood alcoohol level above driving limit. you know m how it is

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!