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hoping to become a popular enough account to get tagged on things one day

@NanoRaptor i'm biased because i feel like i can speak only for models i've personally own/used and i could not be more fond of my X61t. if you get one with the dock it's got a full set of ports and the wacom penabled screen is a delight to draw on. it's the tool i use to this day to make all my pixel art

real tired of year after year seeing rotated photoshop text with wavy baselines because people still don't know about switching from sharp antialiasing to smooth antialiasing when rotating text in photoshop

@pencilears i don't even have a fursona, i'm not sure what the purpose of having one would be, for me

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!