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the first shot was taken with a visor deluxe on the cartridge version of the eyemodule software, this one on a neo with the updated version of the software (the cartridge version does not support the neo), and it looks about the same, so it's not a version issue

either i'm doing something wrong on conversion or my eyemodule has gotten damaged somehow

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starting to think eyemodule1 color pictures are not quite YUV (UYVY), and/or that the eyemodule1 color format is different depending on the version of the eyemodule software (since i only tried before on newer visors which needed a newer software than the one inside the eyemodule itself)

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i accidentally overwrote the original PDB file with the pictures i took yesterday in retrieving the one with this test pattern so those are forever locked in exported funky mode

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@jk it's 2024 and manipulating (selecting, copying and pasting, moving a cursor around) text is still a nightmare on these pocket computers that are somehow considered "essential" about only a decade after their proliferation

It has been 24 hours and I just needed to get some words down about my experience of being trans in the UK. These days do not stand out.

oh you got a grammar pet peeve? you should of have not said that to me

Roughly 4 months ago, my primary Vehicle - a recumbent e-trike - was stolen from my home. Because I have no income, I can't save up to replace it, and it sucks to not have reliable transportation without begging. Help? Maybe?

In which I review hot sauces.

Encona West Indian Exxxtra Hot Pepper Sauce

Extremely potent, still managing to not be bland. Not my favourite but certainly up there, and fun at parties to get reactions out of people.

Dollee Chilli Flavoured Oil with Crispy Shrimps

You will be compelled to put more than a single teaspoon of this in your noodles. You will then make a mistake.

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@lmorchard these are automated. i used to get them for Computer Fairies (which is a mastodon instance and not a blog) all the time. i replied to them "sure, dunno why you're asking me when the registration form is right there" (we had open regs at the time) and i would never hear back from them

and i only mention such an overkill approach so that it can adapt by itself to whatever dialog du jour websites have this week without having to constantly make new block rules manually

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the only use i can think of for "A" "I" is for an extension to my browser that clicks the "reject all" buttons for me in websites so i don't have to do it manually and thus close an entirely automated loop that used a lot of CPU cycles in order to do absolutely nothing at all

@hazel get rid of your door mat! it sticks to the ground! the door mat is carrying all the covid!

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!