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six hours without anybody to talk to makes you think of a lot of different ways to kill yourself

Hi there! Does your fur get tangled and how often do you have to brush or comb it? — i tried combing it once but the generated static blew a few transformers down the line and the whole street was without powe…

don't like negative posts! you shouldn't enjoy other's misery! 💜

this is the crux of how antisocial social media is because it has turned you all into idle clickers instead of actually considering the person on the other side of the screen and putting the onus of "that's just how everybody uses social media!" on me

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if you like a post where a person is talking about killing themselves that means that you like that that person wants to kill themselves, there is no other interpretation for the wording x has liked your post that i can infer in good faith and this is why i tell people not to like my negative posts unless they like that i'm in misery because if you want to convey anything else you have 26 letters and punctuation at your disposal

the internet feels a lot lonelier than when i still knew people using irc

although a large chunk of those people abused me and forced me to retreat so maybe there's a connection there

are there any public hangout spaces left or is everyone else also hidden away into their closed doors highly personal discord servers

i don't think i've met new friends in 5 years now

don't worry i have plans for a feature or two to make the 1.0 release

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!