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who am i kidding nothing has really changed since 2017 we're still giving non-answers to question posts and trying to explain why that is a correct thing to do

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newer mastodon users please stop trying to rationalize antisocial behaviour challenge (impossible)

@pencilears "does anybody know abcxyz? :boost_ok:​" "i love this post, gold star for you"

you are rationalizing antisocial behaviour

@pencilears it's a question with a boost ok emoji. there's no conversation to be acknowledged. i think you are talking about the latter point

webdevs who learnt their craft prior to 2010 should brand themselves as "html over the wire engineers"


anyone got decapped ROMs they need someone with free time to mark up in maskromtool? :boost_ok:

trying to find community online without knowing anybody already on the inside be like oh cool i guess i get to be in the middle of cultural warfare instead

trying to find community online without knowing anybody already on the inside be like oh cool i guess i get to be in the middle of cultural warfare instead

@joby don't quote me on it but i think the math works out that there's theoretically more ipv6 addresses than there are particles in the universe or something so i think we're good on that front

i've had many cases where our fiber modem says that we should have internet and we don't

this is the first time i've seen it say we shouldn't and we do

@atax1a by which i mean, if i wanted something that sounds like dectalk and needs arcane controls to make it sound different, i already have that

i'm looking for other options newer/better than dectalk and it looks like there's just no such thing without getting into sampled or AI territory

@atax1a sounds not too dissimilar to dectalk (and from what i remember it sounding like, they're probably using dectalk as a starting point)

difference is i don't think there's a way to get macintalk on a modern windows computer without emulating a whole macintosh is there? i already have a command line dectalk so this doesn't help much

@atax1a sounds not any better than dectalk then, which is much more customizable with control codes

@atax1a is there any way to customise the voices or are you stuck with that selection

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!