The thing about copyright is, like, if you just think about it for a moment, these two situations are completely different:

- Sony releases a game with music it downloaded off SoundCloud without ever contacting the musician
- A high schooler makes a Sonic fan game that reuses music from Sonic Adventure 2

And yet our current conception of copyright insists that these are equivalent and should be handled by the same rules.

Even if you think copyright should exist this form of it is nonsense.

vrchat has an even higher barrier of entry to living (not just existing) in a digital world than second life has. second life is a hundred fold easier to build an environment and avatar to suit you with built in tools. in vrchat you either need to learn contrived unity workflows and complicated 3d modelling or pay someone to do it for you

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the hurdle to properly enjoying vrchat isn't one only of hardware (either pcvr or even more expensive standalone vr tied to a shit company) but also of having enough physical space to act in virtual space, an able enough meatspace body to stand and gesture for long periods of time, and money/otherwise access to an avatar to reflect yourself. vrchat is not an ideal digital space

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let me into your system32 folder. i promise i'll behave. you will not regret letting me into your system32 folder

being flirted with in public probably wouldn't fix me but it would help a little

i want to make a habitat/club caribe for the internet of 2025

or at least, if you struggle to remember the last calendar year you did not purchase an apple device

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if you own an apple device built after 2006 chances are you are wealthier than i'd like to associate with

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!