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cursed fact: Adobe Podcast's "Enhance AI", a tool for noise removal and voice boosting, firmly believes that any audio you give it *must* have human speech.

If you upload, say, vocal-free chiptunes playing on a Game Boy, it will *find* the speech.

#LLMs are a fucking scourge. Perceiving their training infrastructure as anything but a horrific all-consuming parasite destroying the internet (and wasting real-life resources at a grand scale) is delusional.

#ChatGPT isn't a fun toy or a useful tool, it's a _someone else's_ utility built with complete disregard for human creativity and craft, mixed with malicious intent masquerading as "progress", and should be treated as such.

i need a way to waste my time for longer than 5 minutes so i stop hammering refresh on this package tracking

It's fun when games contain their own playable retro version, either a demake or a previous series entry. Often this is accessed by interacting with an old computer, console, or arcade cabinet within the game world.

You know what'd be really funny though? A demake accessed from the settings menu by putting the graphics slider ALLLLL the way down.

it doesn't even do any of the main things i want it to do yet, this is so far mostly setup/pretext

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did you know that you can chat online with the actual real official mascot of the commodore amiga line of personal computers right here? wow!

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!