@clyde can you gimme a palette png to add to my palettes archive
if for every pixel in an image i do a comprehensive color distance check for every color in a palette, a 320x240 picture takes ~3000ms
if i cache the results of the closest palette color to each color and fetch those when available instead of calculating, it takes... ~3800ms
fixed some bugs (namely the one where a palette wouldn't load half the time) and detached the control feedback from the image processing to make moving sliders on long operations less painful at the tradeoff of not having immediate output preview
yesterday i don't think this dithering was taking a whole 3 seconds, so now i need to chase down optimizations
O.K. here's a very early release. only Atkinson is implemented right now and only uploading a file to serve as palette. have fun
The functionality you are looking has been kicked around in various ECMAScript proposals, however it does not appear to be coming anytime soon.
for my 30th year being activated i want everyone to take a cool look at all the stuff i've done https://maple.pet/ https://netizen.club/ https://soundcloud.com/svetlana especially my pride and joy https://maple.pet/webgbcam #webgbcam and send me nice messages especially if i've made stuff you liked because i've been really lonely lately
i bet if i had put #webgbcam behind a paywall i would've seen more purchases than i have seen likes/thanks about it. it seems people value money less than they value feedback
queer robot squirrelbunny girl, un-retired computer fairies founder (2017-2021, 2024-), drone #6502, official amiga mascot, making a return to upset those who told us to leave.
https://pronoun.gdn/byte?or=it, robot, check system link above, meat shell is 31yo, i block underage
i like it when people flirt with me
HRT: 15/11/2015
⚠️ do not like or favourite my negative posts: https://computerfairi.es/@mavica_again/110573733959251340 ⚠️