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couldn't recharge so i refactored so it's dead simple to add new dithering modes

nope. circuits won't stop thinking so i guess we'll be running on half battery today

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re: dansup 

@mjdxp watching the people everybody put on a pedestal like 6 or 7 years ago slowly milkshake duck themselves always feels a bit cathartic


remember when he got into massive trouble because the first pixelfed icon was a clear ripoff of, i think it was the iOS photos app

i should be recharging but the meat shell started misbehaving

@lexbailey the amount of tech channels i enjoyed watching suddenly turning to chatgpt to make them a simple python or arduino program that more often than not doesn't work and they don't know why is kinda sickening

@wrosecrans @angela something like that has been attempted! though do note that the ditherinator images look better because they don't limit how many of the NES colors to put on an image at once

@NanoRaptor i'm stimming out of joy with how well it clicked with you of all people ❗

@NanoRaptor aha, i found this, and this diagram:

Burkes is actually a modified version of the Stucki algorithm, which in turn is an evolution of the Jarvis algorithms.

these should be easy to implement!

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!