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Years go by, but the closing credits music from the Amiga CD32 version of (Sid Meier's) Pirates! Gold remains the most delightful 90s artifact. 🔊🎶💿🏴‍☠️⚔

i am once again turning my hobbies into paid work 💀 and i wasn't even the one seeking it out this time

so how come brazil has a much much wider variety of 3d printing filaments than the UK? like i've posted about here before, i cannot find transparent pink PLA anywhere shipping to the UK and yet i can get transparent and metallic in all sorts of shades and colors in brazil

days when "i" feels wrong but no foresight to use "we" and avoiding first person pronouns at all is the only thing that works

@Erika i still have the scars from last time i tried, @mist's claws are sharp

it occurs to me that a large portion of the #fediverse might have my home instance silenced so i figure an announcement from here might get more traction:

i've recently released #ditherinator, a tool for real-time palette-reduction and dithering of images:

i've wanted a tool like this for years and i'm glad i can share it with you now!

please post cool pictures you make with it tagged #ditherinator so i can see them!

they call me the Amiga mascot because you can hold and modify me

dreamwidth has directly competed with, and outlasted, cohost

auuauaurghhhh i really need to LED mod my ibook g4 the backlight is so dim

does anyone have a good tutorial that isn't a video for fireworks and dreamweaver so i can pretend it's 2005

tangentially what's the best way to manage having too many fonts on OS X PPC 10.4.11

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has anyone put together a cool list of cool fonts. like if i don't know what theme or name of font i need to look up. sure there's a thousand and one font websites where you can search but has someone put together a curated list of "fonts i think are cool" that i can peruse

ok not a huge one this time but v0.4 is out now

  • NEW palette mode to sample colors from source image
  • some code reworked to optimize things

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!