ebay is bamboozling me man yodel says it's like two towns over and not gonna be delivered until tomorrow

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i really gotta start a youtube channel so that people will send me rare things for free in the mail

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always seems to be the case that a rare really cool retro computer i want was only produced in the thousands of numbers and a white male youtuber has one of the only surviving ones

My mother in law found this when moving house and now it’s mine! It’s a Panasonic PenWriter, a typewriter that’s actually a pen plotter! Can’t wait to try it out, but I don’t have much hope for the pens still working #penplotter

android firefox nightly i'm begging you to let me paste images into a compose box that supports it

just got access to a switch and ring fit adventure for the first time today and it's nice that it's more encouraging and less body shaming but the workouts are way less gentle too

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has anybody modded Wii Fit/Wii Fit Plus to remove the body shaming in it yet? :boost_ok:

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!