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dissociating and daydreaming of a cursed alternate future where "super mario brothers the movie the video game" is a thing

RT 's webgbcam is fun and good

you can find it at and use it on your phone and stuff!



New on the Secret Area: It's Darwinia, an early Steam darling.

A fun action-RTS with a lot of references to the UK computer scene. Introversion made something really cool.

Likes, shares, and comments appreciated, as always.



the best thing about flickguy is the remix button that lets you go in and edit the layers to your whims and even just make your own flickguy right there anyways heres Wiku



WhatsApp boy upset because a "pile of nerds" don't like this, so here's today's serious thread.

For years, researchers & activists have been (rightfully) howling about how black box systems help enforce various forms of oppression and modes of governance.

Here are a few.


it wasn't U28, it's the same symptoms but i reflowed the U28 chip on BOTH boards and they're both still dead

i'm out of ideas

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uuuuuuugh the replacement logic board for the 1.33ghz 12" ibook g4 i was waiting on for weeks came in, i did all the trouble to replace it, and it's STILL DEAD

anyone want to sell me a 1.33ghz 12" ibook G4?

so i can't use the drums in cheapotone vst in ableton because abeton only routes midi channel 1 internally and the vst uses channel 10 for drums

cool ok

awesome, i'm entitled to a live 11 lite license which is 64-bit only but i can't use that same license to register live 9 lite which is the last 32-bit version thanks


the way transphobes want trans kids to wait until natal puberty fucks us over first before we transition so we can be more visible and vulnerable targets as adults will never not be infuriating.



Oh my god I need to count the proper ways that tesla fandom rhymes too close with my cult experiences


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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!