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thinking about how we've gone (and still go) by many names and facets and this scares just the right people we like to scare off

thinking about how we've gone (and still go) by many names and facets and this scares just the right people we like to scare off


This fucking asshole I know is a FAANG dipshit with his own plane commandeering a USD900/hr rate and I'm sitting here with a low-level firmware job in my CV unable to even get a fucking INTERVIEW


hey fucking hire us


surely someone in the world needs someone fucking wicked good with computers and firmware development yeah? shit fucking sucks right now


throw me a god damn fishing pole if you want me to get my own fish

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surely someone in the world needs someone fucking wicked good with computers and firmware development yeah? shit fucking sucks right now

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i'd really like to not be unemployed right now if you have a job lying around unused in a drawer somewhere

and yes i checked with a multimeter turns out F3 is happily closed

F7 however is open, so i'm replacing that one instead (same fuse characteristics)

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"get the 0604" they said "it'll solder easier than the 0402" they said

my ass is gonna short this

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Here are just some of the types of cis women who have faced harassment, violence, and legal repercussions for using a women’s bathroom:
- women with short hair
- women with alopecia
- women who are athletes
- women who have had mastectomies
- women who are tall


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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!