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if any mutuals are still being scammed by Discord and losing money on Nitro then you should send money to my ko-fi instead because i need to survive more than you need animated emoji

hey if you like someone's stuff please tell them

clicking a star is not a replacement for personal interaction

disappointing to join a youtuber's discord server and it's full of right-wing cryptoshit fuckers who need to die in a fire

flexbox is great i just wish it had been in the CSS1 or 2 implementations you know

like the only reason i avoid it is because i still think about browsers georg who is an outlier and should not be counted

Can someone please bring back the concept of Music Vizualizers for the contemporary streaming era?

Needs to have a workshop/store function to feature community content.

what the hell is fedi22 and why are those people starting to follow me

my fiancée @Atatra has a bad knee and needs a new knee brace, too. i've been unemployed for a year now because nobody in tech is hiring anymore. give us money

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my fiancée @Atatra has a bad knee and needs a new knee brace, too. i've been unemployed for a year now because nobody in tech is hiring anymore. give us money

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if any mutuals are still being scammed by Discord and losing money on Nitro then you should send money to my ko-fi instead because i need to survive more than you need animated emoji

lenovo i love your thinkpads but what made you think that Fn, Mute and Microphone Mute needed embedded lights more than CapsLock did

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!