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girl tummy is good but have you considered trans girl tummy

i found out the knockoff dualshock 2 i had was missing the right rumble motor and accompanying circuitry entirely

so i added it back scavenging the motor and parts from a knockoff x360 pc controller

we need a trash developers conference, where people give excited presentations about running useful, exciting new software on computers they found in the trash.

If anyone in Seattle has a place for me to stay, I would greatly appreciate it.

I will couch surf for a while. As long as I can park my car, I'm good.

I'm gonna be working my ass off to ensure this is a temporary thing.

it is so very cool how because I decided to spawn outside the USA in the game of life I get to be hired for a Senior ANSI C Developer position and still be paid less than 30k/yr USD

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!