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i feel like i shouldn't hock my bandcamp every bandcamp friday given i haven't released anything new in almost 3 years

"but i don't have words" reply with a fucking heart emoji not a god damn like

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it is funny when people have interaction rules in their bio and then don't follow yours and get uppity about being called out on it

i'd love to have a job but since i legally have to answer "yes" to "will you now or in the future require visa sponsorship to work in the uk" or "no" to "are you legally allowed to work in the uk" depending on which flavor of awful the company's application sheet decided to be written in this week none of my applications ever make it out of the rubbish bin

i really need stable income but since jobs aren't real anymore i'm taking any help i can get. i have a ko-fi you can send money to and there's even some pins left to buy there. i have a patreon where i don't have any rewards because i couldn't think of any and nobody has suggested any yet. you can also get a pixel portrait for a very reasonable price. or you can tell your employer about me

i'm going to be back in the uk after the 15th with access to a workshop similar to mine if any friends want their vintage tech repaired without having to ship it to brazil

I co-wrote a cookbook for depressed people and other folks with zero spoons, only knives. It's not meant to be gourmet cooking so much as a survival guide for late stage capitalism. And you can get it for free!

tomorrow (friday, 4th)! we have bumped up our goal to another 100gbp and we will vanquish bowser in super mario world for once and for all!

pet peeve: when people call PDAs that are not the palm pilot "palm pilot"s

worse yet when they say that to refer to a PDA that isn't even by palm

the lesbian urge to be fucking curbstomped by a woman hotter than you

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!