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dear amiga keyboard replacement manufacturers can we not get these tin plated yet like modern flat cables we all know this carbon crap is going to scrape away in 2 years and i'll have to buy a new one but maybe that's the plan

wishing discord had timed blocks and no blocked message tombstones but hey they'll probably put that behind a nitro paywall too

linux the most customizable operating system in the world "can i make my hardware behave the way it did in a previous kernel without having to downgrade the kernel" No shut up you will use open source software the way we want you to and you will like it

: anyone know how i can translate TouchBegin/TouchEnd Xinput2 events into ButtoDown/ButtonUp for an program (unmodifiable) which works with mouse pointer input but not with a touchscreen which used to fire mouse button events in kernel 4.4 but no longer does in kernel 5.14?

: anyone know how i can translate TouchBegin/TouchEnd Xinput2 events into ButtoDown/ButtonUp for an program (unmodifiable) which works with mouse pointer input but not with a touchscreen which used to fire mouse button events in kernel 4.4 but no longer does in kernel 5.14?

@zep hey zep, i know it's likely very low down on your priority list but it seems upgrading the pocketchip to a newer linux kernel breaks pico8's mouse input. everything else works, we just can't click on anything including the editor. this seems to be because inputs are now handled as touch rather than raw mouse input, would you consider looking into it at any point? thank you for continuing to update pico8 for pocketchip regardless!

Great news on Voyager 1.
Richard Stephenson of DSN Canberra reports that engineering data was being received from Voyager 1 last night at 40 bps.

No science data yet, perhaps because they did not switch to the higher 160 bps rate, but this is a major step towards recovery and validates the diagnosis (failed memory chip in the FDS computer) and fix (rearrange software to bypass the failed memory area).

Now waiting for a status update from NASA.

do i know anyone with a who's still on kernel 4.4? i'd like to confirm some things with the touch screen without having to reflash mine to an older kernel

I think this #xz thing is gonna go down as the day #FLOSS officially lost its innocence.

You know what I hope comes out of this moment of sincere sadness for those who care about this stuff?

A sense that we will no longer be abused by Megacorps who build on the backs of our work but can't be arsed to help fund that work despite the fact that literally THE CONTINUED EXISTENCE OF THEIR BUSINESS depends on it.

Do you think #google, #amazon or #facebook could exist in their current form without oodles of super high quality free software to run their server swarms on?

Because they can't. For those of us old enough to remember, just imagine "the cloud" if every virtual server required a Solaris or SCO license.

If you've given all you can give, walk away. Open source is wonderful and amazing but you are human and your health and well being is more important. I don't care what falls down as a result.

"You are not buying from a supplier, you are a raccoon digging through dumpsters for free code." is a fire quote

heads: i'm trying to change the boot animation on my . i can change the plymouth theme and update-initramfs and it shows the theme i picked. i cannot for the life of me preview plymouth without rebooting the computer, trying to debug plymouthd under x simply fails to use graphical mode and all i can previeiw is the fallback text boot splash. but on a real boot it works fine. help me not reboot my device a hundred times to test new themes

bring back the old web cry out all the people not visiting the old web that people have been building without them

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!