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are you an asterisk for italics markdown kinda girl or an underscore for italics markdown kinda girl

raf's self control is better than laura brannigan's fight me

we can very clearly chart a downwards trend in our mental health from when day long voice calls became a daily affair for us meaning we were no longer listening to music every day

gotta fix that

long distance sucks

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rápido, enquanto os gringos estão distraídos, vamos tomar o fediverso

you can tell who isn't from the US because they're not talking about the eclipse right now

remembering a dream i had once i got taken by friends to a niche gimmick restaurant that just opened where you eat computer processors. the older/more rare a processor the more expensive the meal. i started thinking about how healthy it was to actually eat pieces of metal and silicon when the dream decided to move the goalposts to appease this errant logic by pointing out that you were actually meant to just chew it and then spit it out like sunflower seed shells

"dungeon.p8" own composition produced with for the same failed game project aforementioned in this thread

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"combat2.p8" own composition produced with for the same failed game project aforementioned in this thread

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i would love to collaborate with creators and make music for their games paid or not. shoot me a message if you need pico8 music

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fermi estimate challenge: what percent of global ketchup production is locked up in fast food packets that will never see the light of day?

"happy.p8" own composition produced with for a studio making a commercial pico8 game who refused to honor a contract and pay me for the work and then later blocked me on all socials

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!