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newer mastodon users please stop trying to rationalize antisocial behaviour challenge (impossible)

webdevs who learnt their craft prior to 2010 should brand themselves as "html over the wire engineers"


anyone got decapped ROMs they need someone with free time to mark up in maskromtool? :boost_ok:

trying to find community online without knowing anybody already on the inside be like oh cool i guess i get to be in the middle of cultural warfare instead

trying to find community online without knowing anybody already on the inside be like oh cool i guess i get to be in the middle of cultural warfare instead

i've had many cases where our fiber modem says that we should have internet and we don't

this is the first time i've seen it say we shouldn't and we do

loving all the link rot generated by people who trusted as file storage

i love to have a large metal spike explosively shoved through my human brain

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catastrophizing again with not a single soul around me to calm me down

so yes i will continue to call the X (Formerly Twitter) website X (Formerly Twitter) since that is X (Formerly Twitter)'s official title

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no it's not discord's fault. this is "X (Formerly Twitter)"'s actual opengraph metadata. they always called themselves "X (Formerly Twitter)", it wasn't others who came up with it out of spite.

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"stop calling it twitter or formerly twitter we get it call it x and move on" friend their own embed cards still call it twitter

still don't understand what is the social point, what you are trying to communicate, by only liking a post on which someone has asked a question and asked for boosts on

"hey how do i do xyz?" "haha great post man"

this is almost worse than people liking my suicidal posts

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!