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i need a way to waste my time for longer than 5 minutes so i stop hammering refresh on this package tracking

It's fun when games contain their own playable retro version, either a demake or a previous series entry. Often this is accessed by interacting with an old computer, console, or arcade cabinet within the game world.

You know what'd be really funny though? A demake accessed from the settings menu by putting the graphics slider ALLLLL the way down.

it doesn't even do any of the main things i want it to do yet, this is so far mostly setup/pretext

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did you know that you can chat online with the actual real official mascot of the commodore amiga line of personal computers right here? wow!

If you begin #StarTrek: Voyager episode Spirit Folk at exactly 11:49:35 on #NewYearsEve, Ensign Harry Kim will kiss a cow as the clock strikes midnight. Join in our very dumb annual tradition and start 2025 off on the right hoof.

i love python for enforcing consistent indentation in code. i hate PEP 8 for choosing the wrong one

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arguments against space as indentation:

  • lack of accessibility
  • lack of standardisation (i have seen, no joke, a codebase i worked on professionally with 3 spaces per level. and we were forced to maintain it)
  • confusion when inputting depending on editor (if your tab key produces tabs not spaces, you have to press space several times per level to match rest of file)

arguments against tab as indentation:

  • nhgguuuhh i don't know how to make tab smaller in my editor waaaah

does anyone know of a
blog-like cms with features:
- self-hostable
- subscribe to posts with email
- rss
- activityPub
- supports images upload
- posts in markdown in webUI
- smolweb/minimalist
- no nodeJS

plz boost :boost_anim_sleeping:

for as much as i despise the ubiquity of javascript and the paradigm of web browser as an operating system, index.html and app.js is the quickest and lowest entry barrier to getting a cross-platform client-side program as a by-product of enshittification

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!