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dear everybody who's congratulating nathan for not giving someone else the reigns to because of "security concerns":

how do you think you communicate with other mastodon instances

all your recipients (those targeted in messages, public or private) have your metadata and your DMs

there is no more secure information than that beyond maybe your email address and if you're worried about that being leaked you have bigger issues

i wish i had people simping for me this hard when it was elekk harrassing me to close computer fairies the same way there's a bunch of cis white dudes simping for a cis white dude 

the last thing I'll say about nathan and his temper tantrum is that this scenario exemplifies why white cis men shouldn't be the people managing diverse communities of queer folks.

unless you're willing to share space with, and hear out the concerns of, trans people (especially transfems), BIPOC queers, disabled queers, and other people in our community who are more marginalized than you, then you have no right to manage an instance for members of the queer community.

Piecing together the breadcrumbs about what happened to, and one thing remains clear: knowing how to install a server does not teach you how to run a community.

If a single person decides to shut down a social networking space for thousands cause they got some negative comments on the internet, they're making clear that:

* they were never invested in a non-hierarchical space that offered something fundamentally different from Facebook or Twitter; and

* they are prioritizing their own reactive emotional response over stable online access for a mass of users who had no say in the matter.

The fragility and volatility of this is a perfect example of the weakest aspect of the fediverse. There needs to be some consensus process for large admins / mod decisions. This shit is so unprincipled and immature.

I couldn't give a fuck about a video game that some millennials are nostalgic about or the hilarious spoilers posted about it (cause yeah if you're giving $$ to J.K fucking Rowling in the year 2023 you absolutely deserve that shit). I do care deeply though about collective process and principles. Any solo admin accountable to noone can never be trusted. #HogwartsLegacy

Apologies to the people who are genuinely working to use their privilege for good, but I fucking swear, nobody should trust gay white cis dudes to run queer spaces.

ALSO by blaming trans people """"harrassing"""" you for supporting the antisemitism transphobic simulator 2k23 you've enabled idiots like this into thining that you're not the only one to blame for shutting down your 40k+ user instance, good fucking job dude you're absolutely well-balanced enough to have that responsibility in the first place

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speaking of which, computer fairies registrations are open (but screened) if you need a new instance

some people really just aren't cut out for being instance admins on the fediverse

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at least i stepped down from computer fairies more gracefully than this (and computer fairies is still online)

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yeah i'm not pining for an instance closing if the admin of that instance just told a bunch of people to kill themselves lol

i just think that if you're not going to stand up for trans people then you don't get to call yourself an ally and if you're taking your own toys away you don't get to blame others for it

i love it when people who don't understand what html, css or even http are, complain about them and their use

hi please hire me i have over 8 years professional experience making computers do what i want and i've been failing to get a job anywhere for almost a whole year now and i need not to be homeless please

there's like a handful of people who got taken a picture of together as part of a company's handbook's cover

and then one of them decided to start a forum so they could keep in touch like the picture was some sort of experience larger than ... just getting their picture taken together. none of these people know each other and their personalities clash. half the topics are them arguing

it was a piece of writing that could only have existed on the internet and it was great

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!