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Do you think I can request asylum to Canada and then apply to MAiD

you posted suicidal ideation! you're going to lose followers!

i'm glad people think this is what i should do, i'm on the right track 💜

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Do you think I can request asylum to Canada and then apply to MAiD

You may have seen or heard the news about @dolphin / Valve / Nintendo from a few hours ago. If not, read e.g. from the amazing @wes.

Unfortunately pretty much everyone has been getting the legal details wrong, incl. Dolphin themselves on their blog (now fixed).

Quick thread with my personal summary of the situation.

exciting new 4.1 release!

you can now control a sharpness filter that is based on the filtering from the real Game Boy Camera hardware!

personal, sexual 

the more i think about bottom surgery the less attainable it seems like it'll ever be and the more depressed i get about it

"There are usually two kinds of coders giving advises. A fresh one that has no idea how complex things really are, yet. Or an experienced one, that forgot it."

there needs to be a word like mouthfeel but for feeling texture with your fingers

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!