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PSA once again for USA people:
ofher countries exist.

remember this especially when posting
- statistics
- job requests/ads
- political news
- calls to action
- meetups
- requests for help/ a place to live

we can’t know what you are talking about or help you unless you say what country you mean.

it's a design so highly sought after there are no less than 7 websites ripping it off

get it while it's hot from the link above and support me instead of grifters

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"but i don't have words" reply with a fucking heart emoji not a god damn like

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this is the crux of how antisocial social media is because it has turned you all into idle clickers instead of actually considering the person on the other side of the screen and putting the onus of "that's just how everybody uses social media!" on me

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if you like a post where a person is talking about killing themselves that means that you like that that person wants to kill themselves, there is no other interpretation for the wording x has liked your post that i can infer in good faith and this is why i tell people not to like my negative posts unless they like that i'm in misery because if you want to convey anything else you have 26 letters and punctuation at your disposal

vr is neat but unless you want to just sit there and watch your partner play something it's a really solitary proposition

i might need to quit the job i just got hired for in 2 months lol

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!