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suddenly encountered a weird glitch where mastodon would be frozen and looked to be spamming requests in millisecond intervals

"that's weird". i switch the tab to twitter. hey that started doing it too. nothing would update. switch to a youtube tab i also had open. same thing! the internet is broken!

my headset was sitting on the F5 key.

in case you missed it… yesterday i finally published my Flash era web 1.0 throwback collection of games to Steam. it’s completely free! (because that’s what the web should be and tetrageddon is old-web :)
i’m still very proud of this. imo it’s a beautiful hilarious weird thing that exists on its own terms.

#IndieGame #IndieGames #GameDev #Games #VideoGames #Gaming

ummm actually *tendrils come out of my mouth and suck away your will to live* *pushes my glasses up* 🤓

even if you don't set out to make enemies they're bound to show up anyway

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i took a vga capture cause i was too lazy to make a proper screenshot on the real w98 machine i'm using and then manually uploading it via ftp to my other machine

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Broke: The internet is just 6 websites now
Woke: So we should go back to each make our own website
Broke (again): But making a website became way harder
Bespoke: Making website is still easy, standars of quality has changed. We must embrace shitty html pages

if you want to add this to your own nginx setup:

map $http_user_agent $brnotice {
default '</head>';
~*Chrome '<link rel="stylesheet" href=""></head><div class="impnotice">You are using an unsupported browser. Please visit <a href="">this website</a> to upgrade your browser.</div>';

server {
sub_filter '</head>' $brnotice;
sub_filter_once on;
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added an nginx useragent directive to make my website render correctly on google chrome

if i agree with it it's free speech but if i don't it's politics and should be kept out of this discord server

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!