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i've been here since 2017 and nobody here has been nice to me why do i need to be nice to people coming here now

is there some way to make modern linux to look exactly like this and i mean with bitmap fonts and everything

i've tried long to make a modern linux that plays nice with old-looking windowing managers and never succeeded

lol i've been banging pots and pans about this for years now because the shortener goes down in brazil every other day but nobody cares if the first world can still access it

manual QRT:

i don't think i'm ready to reclaim tranny yet but i'm coming around on faggot and i'm a huge fan of dyke

tone indicators give me the same cliquey vibes as when that small sect of mastodon's pnw transes tried to coin "fractalia" except thankfully that one didn't take lol

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if you wanted to indicated tone we had a perfectly good system in place already it's called parenthesis (serious) (all the autistics are using it)

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"why don't you use tone indicators" why don't you stop using a secret coded language i wasn't informed of

suddenly encountered a weird glitch where mastodon would be frozen and looked to be spamming requests in millisecond intervals

"that's weird". i switch the tab to twitter. hey that started doing it too. nothing would update. switch to a youtube tab i also had open. same thing! the internet is broken!

my headset was sitting on the F5 key.

in case you missed it… yesterday i finally published my Flash era web 1.0 throwback collection of games to Steam. it’s completely free! (because that’s what the web should be and tetrageddon is old-web :)
i’m still very proud of this. imo it’s a beautiful hilarious weird thing that exists on its own terms.

#IndieGame #IndieGames #GameDev #Games #VideoGames #Gaming

ummm actually *tendrils come out of my mouth and suck away your will to live* *pushes my glasses up* 🤓

lotta people asking me to suggest an “alternative framework”. my suggestion is: stop using frameworks. they are never as helpful as they claim to be, add an overhead of complexity, create needless barriers and limitations. and then in as little as 2 years the framework is obsolete and your app stops working, unless you rewrite it again in the new version or a different framework.

frameworks are a soul crushing treadmill. Invest in low or zero dependency codebases on APIs that never change.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!