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i also bought picotron and i am probably not going to make anything with it 😔

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i wanna do pico8 stuff... it just feels quite daunting with how many impressive stuff has already been done with it. i tried making a little sunset scene a few years ago and it looks like crap! i know you shouldn't compare yourself to others but my circuits are just wired that way.

@vxo she color burst into my back porch till i horizontal blanking

what if we kissed in the horizontal blanking interval

i actually found two roms, one larger than the other, but so far i can only get the second one to do this

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development documents. this mentions the rom is for both models ("Mac512/Unitron 1024") but i don't think the sources in them are complete

the source i found has several floppy images, but also some folders that seem to be from different floppy images destructively extracted into a FAT type system so some of it might be lost

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i can only find the "Unitron 1024" mentioned online in two places:

one is in a posthumous legal study of the Mac 512 case in which it's mentioned as an addendum

the other is a supposed MAME driver for which any rom i've found are just... mac plus roms.

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this is a screenshot that i believe to be from the Mac 512 retail ROM (it says "Insert the initialization disk" in Portuguese). in trying to locate this ROM (the only known dumped Mac 512 ROM is actually the Mac Plus copy) i accidentally found the Unitron 1024's instead.

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the Mac 512 was shut down not because the case looked like a mac, not because the analog board was a carbon copy, but because the unit that Apple somehow managed to investigate for themselves during development contained a copied Mac Plus ROM. however, Unitron's argument was that that was only being used for development purposes and the retail version would contain a reverse engineered rom. at the time, there was no law against that in brazil

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this seems to be a ROM for a later Unitron clone, the "Unitron 1024" which work was started on after the US govt threatened and forced the shutdown of the "Mac 512" project. supposedly the Unitron 1024 wasn't going to look like a macintosh, in an attempt to appease the government, but it also got shut down regardless

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every time surprising myself whenever i re-realize everything that people have branded me as an "evil abuser" for was simply me setting boundaries and pointing out when others were breaking them

anyway just wasted several hours trying to cross-compile something that i could probably have waited for the tiny 1ghz pocketchip compile itself

i really wish cross-compiling was possible. you'd think we should be able to use multiple-ghz machines to compile for smaller ones. oh well

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sometimes i really wish i knew at least one other person who knows how to compile things to pick their brain

i wish i could make any programmer friends, lol

this post brought to you by me trying to run fs-uae on a pocketchip

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!