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real tired of year after year seeing rotated photoshop text with wavy baselines because people still don't know about switching from sharp antialiasing to smooth antialiasing when rotating text in photoshop

if you tell me you like my "character" i'll be very confused and if you insist my picture is of a "character" or "fursona" i'm going to personally boil your entire face off until the pale weak skin covering your bloody muscles turn into gas

❓ - anyway this is probably why i don't have many if any queer friends

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❓ - i love how other plural people were the quickest to dismiss us for supposedly (they're wrong) "not having trauma" and "not having a DID diagnosis" meanwhile the straightest cis people were so welcoming like "oh yeah! ok yeah multiple facets we totally get that, that's cool and we're glad to meet you!" i swear to god marginalized people are the quickest to fucking eat each other like we're all scared puppies biting each other's heads off to get ahead of each other

hearing about the new mastodon board makes me real glad I started running my own gotosocial server: [the board features the co-founder of twitter, a blockchain bro, and most of them don't actually have a mastodon account]

I don't want to abandon my old masto account, but I'm making a concerted effort to shift more and more things over to this one

it's imperative that the fediverse is more than just mastodon

Following up on the analysis of @MF_Dume , here's a blog post discovered by @jdp23 quoting new Mastodon board member Amir Ghavi:

'While the EU is trying to prevent the worst AI harms proactively, the American approach is more reactive. The US waits for harms to emerge first before regulating, says Amir Ghavi, a partner at the law firm Fried Frank. Ghaviis representing Stability AI, the company behind the open-source image-generating AI Stable Diffusion, in three copyright lawsuits. 

“That’s a pro-capitalist stance,” Ghavi says. “It fosters innovation. It gives creators and inventors the freedom to be a bit more bold in imagining new solutions.” '

Hey Mastodon: Welcome to the machine!

here's some shit italo i threw together in 2016 and never figured out how to finish

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!