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You have not experienced Back To The Future until you have watched it in the original Brazilian Portuguese.

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The polycule agreed to watch the entire Back To The Future trilogy in the original BKS pt-br dub (as opposed to the travesty they did for the DVD releases) and it's a really nostalgic time for us 🥺

i wonder if the people who call it LUA also call it JAVASCRIPT instead

plugging my game console and its jam again

there's a theme but actually I'll be happy with games, tools, PRs on the emulator or SDK, or even just getting the SDK example to compile and run and feedback on your experience doing so 🙂

I need help with some C code for MSDOS.
Does MSDOS provide an API for getting the width (in number of characters) of the screen?

Struggling to find any documentation on the internet. There is a bit but it doesn't cover this.


like if i want to use xmpp just to hang out and i don't have friends where do i go

or should i just go back to discord

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is there any xmpp chatroom not dedicated to a piece of software

netizen home registrations open today in our irc channel, as long as you host a cool website with it

this is a screenshot that i believe to be from the Mac 512 retail ROM (it says "Insert the initialization disk" in Portuguese). in trying to locate this ROM (the only known dumped Mac 512 ROM is actually the Mac Plus copy) i accidentally found the Unitron 1024's instead.

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some misconceptions: Unitron did not work on multiple mac clones, it only changed name:

"Mac 512" is the initial project, which was simply a straight up copy of the original Macintosh with 512K RAM, eventually became closer to a Mac Plus clone

"Turbo Mac" is the same identical machine with improved PAL timings for RAM access which sped it up

"Unitron 1024" is the same hardware with 1MB RAM, in a futile attempt to make it more legally distinct after the lawsuit

none of it fully came to market

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the only other known dump of a Unitron Mac 512 ROM is the earliest one, which is identical to the Mac Plus ROM, which caused the Apple lawsuit which shut down the project. had Unitron not rushed to market before they could've made a clean room clone of the ROM (which the eventual Unitron 1024 tried to, too little too late), the Mac 512 project might have passed certification (necessary to be sold) and survived.

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i wanted to investigate these more before uploading them but i lost interest. here they are

it looks like they're (at least partially) compiled from C(?), not sure how complete they are, not sure how much of them are still just copied from apple roms. both have the same build date, smaller one seems to boot and the larger one just sadmacs. functionally the only difference i could see are graphics. the sources are as far as we know completely lost.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!