hi for my build date anniversary i'd love for people to play with and and show me the cool pictures they make with them thank you


hi for my build date anniversary i'd love for people to play with and and show me the cool pictures they make with them thank you


hot take hocus pocus is a better dos platformer than jazz jackrabbit

i spent so long wanting a machine that could boot os9 again after only having an os x g4 for so long that now that i have one i don't know what to do with it

i spent so long wanting a machine that could boot os9 again after only having an os x g4 for so long that now that i have one i don't know what to do with it

I think every designer should write a love letter to a font at least once in their lifetime.

This is mine: A 150-year-old font you have likely never heard of, and one you probably saw earlier today.


i just got reminded i need to renew the domain (which i will) so i figured people might want to use it (cause if nobody does then i might drop it eventually)

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infrequent reminder that a year ago i made a clone of pronoun island here: pronoun.gdn/

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!