i need to update our carrd soon,,, found 2 fictives and a brain made alter recently. AUUUGH - 🐰🌻

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love figuring out i'm a system at 23 years old and slowly realizing which parts of my identity were actually alters i didn't recognize before. went from a headcount of 3 to a headcount of 10 real mf fast - 🐰🌻

i would've taken her with me to my mom's place but it's a tiny apartment with 2 screaming toddlers, as well as a mold infestation (which is particularly severe in the only room i could've kept her in), so it wasn't really an option lol

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this was on christmas eve btw. so on halloween i was hospitalized with dehydration from covid, on thanksgiving i had to take zelda to the emergency vet for early GI stasis (she was fine with some water & greens, dw), and christmas eve i had to cancel plans with my family so i could stay home and make sure the silicone didn't cause a blockage. fuckinf wild

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i used to not have my bed blocked off so she was allowed to come and go as she pleased, and i'd keep my cords and whatnot out of her reach. the only thing i kept down was my phone. for one, i always tucked it under my pillow so she wouldn't get to it. and for two, up until that point, i'd always woken up anytime she jumped on my bed. needless to say, i took her x-pen that hadn't been used since i moved her to my room and fenced off my bed that very same day.

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aaand one more bunny post because she's so neat. featuring a photo of my poor my melody phone case that she apparently tried to eat while i was sleeping.

obligatory bunny post now that i'm back. (sorry for the game grumps in the video. i know they're bad. i just watch some of the playlists that got me through high school sometimes when i'm having a bad time and believe me i was having a Bad Fucking Time™️)

my phone's storage is shitting itself so i had to uninstall mastodon for a bit. happy late holidays and new year tho :bunhdheart:

in terms of space i think if i had my whole apartment bunny proofed maybe it'd be enough for 2 buns (bathroom would be off limits tho) but bunny proofing is expensive (the fencing used in my bedroom alone was around $70 and that's not even including things like tubing for protecting cords and zipties to make the fencing sturdier) so rn zelda and i share my bedroom. she's only allowed out when i need to sit on the recliner to trim her butt fur or nails

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i'm a little too responsible to actually adopt a second bun but i'm itching to SO BAD. but i think unless i manage to get higher income & a bigger home, i'll have to stick to one at a time

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trying so hard to talk myself out of adopting a second bunny bc i know damn well i can't afford it financially or mentally. but also...fuuuck i wanna get a male black bun and name him ganon...ORRR a female black or grey bun & name her hilda

sky is a broken ass shit ass game but i gotta say...their seasonal quest cutscenes are really dope. especially in collab seasons

update she peed on the board under the hay feeder for whatever reason so it's out

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i keep forgetting i have mastodon. anyway here's the sleepiest babiest girl i have ever seen in my life

@hergaiety i'm nblm but girls sre just so pretty they got me questioning myself at least once a month

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don't want her to get sore hocks so i didn't attach the floor to the house. using it underneath the hay feeder instead to make cleanup slightly easier

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sorry i'm such an annoying bunny parent but i got zelda a new house & hay feeder :bunhdheart:

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!