Nicoo boosted

“The reason most public transportation is seen as ‘losing’ money is precisely because it charges for trips. If you don't charge fares, suddenly it can't ‘lose’ money. It just costs money, the same as the roads.”

This random comment has given me my new favourite argument for removing fares from public transit.

Nicoo boosted

the uk is a normal, reasonable country that requires age verification for a ceramic hob scraper

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- Tu es très jolie
- …
- Tu pourrais dire merci !
- Pourquoi, tu y es pour quelque chose ?

Nicoo boosted

was anybody going to tell me ESA was gearing up to launch the JUpiter ICy moons Explorer on Homestuck Day or was i meant to find that out on my own

Nicoo boosted

Hi @llb !

Thanks for seminar, so great it brought me back to Masto :O

I was wondering, do you think there would be potential in exposing ~all possible minifications (as an [E-Graph]) and automatically search for the one that minimizes post-compression output ?

If the compressor itself is modeled (either approximately or outright integrated with) one can be much faster than bruteforce: superoptimizers do that, would be unpractical otherwise


Nicoo boosted

La stratégie des procureurs pour envoyer les manifestant-e-s en prison avant d’être jugé-e !

changement de paradigme [...] Aux traditionnels "violences sur personne dépositaire de l’autorité publique", "outrage et rebellion" vient s’ajouter les notions d’"atroupement armé en vue de ..." ou de "groupement formé en vue de...", résurgences de la « loi anti-casseurs » des années 70. [pour] condamner des personnes pour des intentions supposées et non sur la base de faits

Nicoo boosted

alcorithm, n. That code you 'fixed' last night after six straight shots of Jagermeister. It's definitely 100% correct now.

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So I just wanted to demonstrate how important washes and edge highlights are to painting minis, so here are two pics before and two pics after

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@cwebber TRAINS
- no having to take off your shoes and pour out your bottled water and go through a metal detector
- stations located in the middle of town instead of way out in the middle of nowhere so you have to take a whole other train to get there
- better view
- more leg room

Nicoo boosted

“Digital repression and resistance during the #CatalanReferendum

Order is the people, equal to equal: disorder is this state and its violence

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Nicoo boosted

Inktober x 31 Witches | 3. Merchant Witch

I had a few ideas for this one, but thought a small and secretive shop might be better. I’m not sure I want to know what that potion does to the one who takes it. 😵

#inktober #31witches #witch #art #drawing #ink

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Nicoo boosted

« Incendie à la gendarmerie de #Grenoble : l'acte revendiqué sur une plate-forme libertaire »

Si vous avez la moindre doute d'avoir une fiche qui vous pense anarchiste, préparez-vous à des perquisitions. Genre dès demain 6h (du matin). Enlever la batterie / déchargez vos mobiles dès maintenant. Ça va ratisser large. 😟

Nicoo boosted

@squirrelbutt Oh gods the reverse English. That will take a bit to get used to :O

Nicoo boosted

Ce matin, sourire aux lèvres, j'écoute la MDR de Leipzig.

(Symphonie en fa d'Eugen d'Albert, un bijou pastoral du romantisme tardif)

La version d'Osnabruck (CPO) est plus colorée, plus clairement séquentielle, mais moins tendue vers l'avant, celle de Leipzig vaut vraiment la peine d'être entendue prioritairement.

Dans le même goût, ne manquez pas Weingartner 1, Børresen 1, Atterberg 1 & 2, Alfvén 1 & 2, les 4 Sinding, tout ça ayant paru au disque officiellement.

Nicoo boosted

Dear fellow #Mastodon users. Please be patient with the people creating Mastodon and GNU Social.

Writing software takes time, and the teams working on these applications are very small.

Most of them are also wearing many hats. Some are students, others have full time non-Mastodon jobs. Some admin instances in addtion to writing code.

The Twitter kitchen probably has more people working in it than the entire #Fediverse. Please adjust your expectations accordingly! 😄

Nicoo boosted

Tonight, I made really quick stats on Mastodon instances and where they are located in terms of network.
Top 5 hosting/networks :
- Amazon
- Online
- Cloudflare
- DigitalOcean

Full results here (although not completely accurate):

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!