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Time to announce the new project I've been working on!

Shifted - a virtual world, social network and more!

Read more details at one of the following places:

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I guess if anyone's interested in checking it out and providing feedback, the site can be reached at or through my dumb redirect to it, which is :3c

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lewd shitpost 

if you make an account solely to post about chastity cages, is it considered a locked account

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Pun with minor sex ref 

I have a cunning plan that requires the use of a milk-flavoured condom. It's my lactic prophylactic tactic.

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"You must have a consistent avatar across slack, GitHub and jira" Okay, fiiine -sets everything to my GitHub gravatar-

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boosting this for those who missed it over the weekend cause MFF and stuff

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A reminder that this Black Friday, rather than putting on an enormous sale, @itchio will be donating their entire revenue share from all sales on the site to a pair of LGBTQ+ and climate change charities

I have discovered hell, and it's listening to Friday playing on the speaker to my left while there's a bad religious argument to my right. D:

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!